Saturday, April 28, 2007

live in Maison Ikkoku


Hi...Blog, it’s been a long time not posting you! Well, this time I would like to write about my favorite manga, that is Maison Ikkoku. I’ve started collect the series since last years. My friend had told me that it’s an interesting manga, so I bought it. Now, I have the 7th series of the manga. For the purpose of showing you how interesting it is, I will write the prefaces of the entire series of the mangas..

m m m

Maison Ikkoku 1

“An apartment house ikkokukan is in a bustle everyday.

It is the stage of romance, comedy, horror and tragedy of its tenants. Misunderstanding and misfortune bring unexpected ending to their story. A world-shaking masterpiece by Rumiko Takahashi”

Maison ikkoku 2

“Kyoko-san, I love you!

Godai’s voice echoes vainly.

The odds tenants of Ikkokukan are involved in comical romance with a beautiful widow, Kyoko Otonashi.

Can Godai win her heart?

Maison ikkoku 3

Kyoko gives a meaningful answer to Mitaka.

Godai misunderstands her words and decides to leave Ikkokukan.

Kyoko believes that Godai is going to live with a girlfriend.

Comedy of love confused by errors and accidents

Maison ikkoku 4

Godai’s grandmother comes to stay unexpectedly.

By her frank words, Godai and Kyoko begin to suspect that they are mistaken. Just then, Mitaka shows up and all of they are thrown into another confusion

Maison ikkoku 5

All members of Ikkokukan come together to the station to see Godai’s grandmother off, who is going home at last. The train is delayed, so they begin a farewell party on the platform. They get too excited and…..

Maison ikkoku 6

Maison ikkoku 7

m m m


In overall, the manga is great. It has strong characters that complete one another. The story line also easy to follow and doesn’t makes us bewilder, though there are some funny and strange acts of the tenants which makes the relationship between Godai and Otonashi more complicated. In addition I like the way Takahashi describes Godai’s characteristic. Even though he is a poor student and called “ronin” by other tenants, he keeps patient and never owes a grudge at them. That is one of man’s characters that I can say, only one in a million on the earth. Now let’s go on to Otonashi character, she is a beautiful young woman although Takahashi is exaggerating a little in illustrating her physical character. She likes Godai but she always conceives if she married to Godai her life will be in destitution. Well, in my opinion, I could say that she is “a little bit” materialistic. How should we know our life in the future is that happy or calamity if we never try it?

Khe...khe… sorry if I’m exaggerates. Well, you know I put some personal feelings in it….I think I’m not ready yet like Otonashi…..GAMBATTE NE!!! Moreover, its simplicity in language style brings additional point to be read. I think I should thank to Ms. Ninuk Sulistyawati as the translator. Arigato gozaimasu!(forgive me if I’m misuse the expression). Well, I think that’s all for this time, its late now so I have to stop, won’t be late for work at morn.

Friday, April 13, 2007



Hari sabtu last week, sewaktu duduk depan tivi sambil ganti-ganti siaran teve aku melihat sebuah sinetron yang ga pernah diikuti dari awal, sekedar iseng aja gitu! Ceritanya tuh cewek nyamar jadi cowok en tukeran ama adiknya yang laki-laki karena naksir ama seorang cowok, plus nih cewek suka sepak bola and tinggal diasrama. Ga perlu waktu lama bagi aku untuk menebak bahwa sinetron tersebut “mirip” ama film She’s the man…. Is this just an incidentally or plagiarism?! Well, even though I’m not an expert critics it makes me over-reacted on this situation. The question is why can’t we make a different story on the same theme? Is it difficult?

The answer is in commercialism still at the top in entertainment industries. People only wants to see the things that they’ve already known. Sebelumya, maaf kalau post yang ini rada-rada ngritik, but we should be a critical person right?!


Berikutnya, on Thursday this week aku jalan-jalan kesalah satu mall “serba ada deh!” yang menjual barang-barang grosir. Aku kesana mo beli peralatan ATK yang udah mo habis en sekalian mo lihat2 dvd ‘bajakan’ yang baru. Eh tiba dilokasi kok kiosnya pada tutup semua ya?!!! Usut punya usut katanya habis ada razia….dulu juga gitu pernah ada razia pada tutup semua, a week later taadaaa udah mulai buka! sebenarnya emang sih sungguh-sungguh merugikan banget ngelakuin piracy. Udah suatu company rugi, Negara juga rugi..tapi apa sih penyebab maraknya piracy di Indonesia?menurutku sih salah satunya adalah besarnya beban cukai menyebabkan harga sekeping DVD bisa ampe ratusan ribu rupiah, membuat kita jadi rada mikir untuk beli yang asli. Toh juga tidak ada perbedaan yang terlalu jauh antara asli dan bajakan. Biasanya, hanya pada kualitas suara dan fitur tambahan dalam DVD original yang ga ada di DVD bajakan. Selain itu lambatnya film-film baru yang masuk ke Indonesia membuat movigoers “gregetan” nunggu. Last but not least, tidak semua film luar masuk Indonesia, terkhusus film-film festival atau film-film box office yang ga komersial. Bayangkan, kemanakah kita harus mencarinya kalo filmnya aja ga masuk Indonesia..ujung-ujungnya pasti nyari bajakannya kan?!!ahh...cape’ deh


Post yang ada di blog ini sebagian juga dimuat dalam blog ku yang ada di LINK CYRCLE. please visit my blog and add some comments for the blogs development. Thanks for stopping by at my humble blog, chuzz!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Yesterday night, when I was looking around my room─I found a tiny little HOZLIZARD!!! Oohhh...MY GOOODDDDDDD!!!!!! I hate “IT” so much, it makes me goosebumps and awakening my killer instinct ( So, I took my broom and Ciiaaaaatttsssssssss...The “It” fell down and then Bukkzzzzz…Buukkzzzzzz...Bukkzzzz… “It” tail quit of the body!!!!

Yaiikzzzzzzz I HATE IT...I HATE IT!!!!!


Hozlizard= house lizard

Why I hate house lizard so much?!

Once upon a time, ketika aku baru merasakan nyamannya tidur di kamar baru, aku melihat ada anak cicak di plafon kamarku. Waktu itu pikiranku ga macem-macem sih─”ah Cuma cicak ji lagi!” so kubiarkan dan tidur dengan tentram. Keesokan paginya, aku melihat cicak tersebut sudah nomaden ke sisi kiri dinding tempat tidurku berada. Nah, itu kasur ama dinding saling mepet. Malamnya, waktu tidur ku lihat itu cicak ga ada lagi, “hmm paling uda kluar” batinku dalam hati, karena seharian pintu kamar terbuka. Tidurlah aku dengan nyenyak. Hingga keesokan paginya ada bau rada-rada aneh en anyir. Ku baui bantal, seprai selimut dan guling dari ujung ke.. eitssss..kok baunya semakin “kenceng” yaa, ku buka sarung guling dan AAAAAAAAKKKKKKHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ada cicak mati didalam guling!!!!!Huuekkkkkkkkkzzzzzzzzzzz

Dengan segera ku buang guling tersebut “terjun payung” ke lantai bawah “BLUGG”!!!)

Sempat 2 hari trauma pake itu guling hasilnya 2 hari 2 malam pula itu guling kena pancaran matahari dan semilir angin malam.

Ckk..ckk..ckk.. what a nightmare!!!

nb: buat yang ngasih comment "kayak sapi".......itu blog yg di multiply kok sama yaa backgroundnya? melihat senioritas (sha..shaa) dikau mi yg ganti backgroundya naahhhhh, lgian itu kan too feminine for a boy like you!(NO HURT FEELING BO!)

Monday, April 9, 2007


last week I was very upset.................arrgggghhhhhh......bener-bener asas pemanfaatan...habis manis sepah could they speaks like that!!!!!they are educated person.
well, well......I can't tell you what was going on, it just.. I can't help myself from anger management!khe..khe..khe..
************end of story-lets start new pages****************

this is for my two A*$@!!** friends that using my personal data without asking me first...grrrrrrrrrrr DON'T CHA EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


my colleagues at office (l-r: nhia, nurni, nanda, muly, agustina)

Sunday, April 1, 2007


this foto is captured at my graduation party (sha..sha..sha..)

khe khe khe.. ini waktu masih MABA (mahasiswa baru)